News and Press Releases 2011
November 28, 2011
New Alaska Native Education Hires at UAS
Both will be working on grants designed to put Alaska Native teachers in the classroom or practicing teachers in administrative positions.November 21, 2011
UAS Creates First University of Alaska Workforce Credential
A major focus is on Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) training and personal certification, knowledge of basic mining terminology and practices, and use of both simulated and actual equipment used in underground mining. The entire program for the credential involves 240 hours, working with certified instructors.November 19, 2011
New Juneau Icefield Director Selected
The Foundation for Glacier and Environmental Research (FGER), the nonprofit organization that supports the Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP), proudly announces the appointment of Dr. Jeffry Kavanaugh as our new Director of JIRP.November 14, 2011
Evening at Egan: Nicholas Galanin “New Culture”
The last Evening at Egan of the 2011 Fall Lecture Series is a special presentation by renowned Sitka Native artist Nicholas Galanin.November 7, 2011
Evening at Egan: "Is Long-term Climate Policy Politically Feasible?”
In his talk Sprinz will explore: What is the capacity for democratic institutions to respond to science? How can governments pursue long-term policies that impact large segments of society, where delay or failure to act prevents a return at least to the present state?October 31, 2011
Evening at Egan: "The Southerner: Abraham Lincoln as a White Supremacist Hero"
This talk will focus on the ways that Southern novelists at the beginning of the 20th century re-imagined Abraham Lincoln as a lifelong believer in white supremacy and a man who, had he lived, would have proven to be a great friend to the defeated South.October 24, 2011
Evening at Egan: Widespread Changes to Alaska’s Glaciers
This presentation will summarize the current knowledge of the state of glacier health in Alaska.October 17, 2011
Evening at Egan: “Trickster Reads Scripture: Story and Truth in a Postsecular Age”
Combining lecture, film, and poetry, this lecture is a brief history of the way we’ve been taught to read literature and culture. "Since Plato and Aristotle," said Neely, "we have been taught to read as philosophers rather than poets, which is to say that we’ve been taught to sacralize a particular kind of objective, essential 'truth' over the lived, dramatic, ethical insights of “story."October 10, 2011
UAS to host Native North American author and storyteller Dr. Thomas King, October 13-14
Events include classroom visits, readings, an Egan Library reception, and an Evening at Egan Lecture followed by a Gathering of the Drums at the Noyes Pavilion.
October 3, 2011
Evening at Egan: Folkloric Dance of Egypt
Sahra Saeeda is one of America's premier authorities on Egyptian dance and travels worldwide teaching and giving lectures. She hold degrees in both Dance and Cultural Anthropology and a Master's in Arts degree from University of California, Los Angeles. Sahra has performed and taught Egyptian style Orientale and Folkloric dance on five continents. She has performed over 1600 shows in Cairo, Egypt alone.September 26, 2011
Evening at Egan: “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time”
An audience discussion with U.S. Forest Service filmmaker Steve Dunsky and Alaska Regional Forester Beth Pendleton follows the 73-minute film, which tells the story of Leopold’s life and extraordinary career, explaining how he shaped conservation in the twentieth century and still inspires people today.
September 19, 2011
Evening at Egan: An Evening with Alaska Writer Laureate Peggy Shumaker
Her Evening at the Egan presentation and discussion will feature a reading from her lyrical memoir "Just Breathe Normally," a book that grew from a life-threatening bike wreck. She'll also read from her most recent book, "Gnawed Bones." Then she'll open a conversation with the audience, talking about writing and the writing life in Alaska.September 15, 2011
Alaska Native Cultures Film Series Starts Sept. 22
This film series seeks to find the internal voice and showcase parts of Alaska Native Cultures from the perspective of Alaska Native people.September 12, 2011
Evening at Egan: Prokofiev's "War Sonata" and selections in honor of Liszt's 200th Birthday
Juneau’s favorite visiting pianist and music scholar, Dr. Alexander Tutunov will kick off the 2011 Fall Evening at Egan Series at the University of Alaska Southeast.June 2, 2011
UAS Outdoor Studies Capstones Atop Mt. Sanford
A group of five from the University of Alaska Southeast Outdoor Studies Program attempted the 16,200 ft Mt. Sanford in Alaska’s Wrangell St.-Elias National Park in May of 2011.
June 1, 2011
Alaska Native Language Scholarship receives gift from Sealaska; First recipient is new faculty hire at UAS
Linguists Nora and Richard Dauenhauer created the Emma Marks Memorial for Alaska Native Languages Fund with initial donations that were matched by UAS. The purpose of the fund is to support the growing Alaska Native Language program with emphasis on emergency needs.May 20, 2011
Greens Creek Mine donates $300k to UAS Pathways in Mining Program
The gift will fund a three-year Career Pathways in Mining program at the new UAS Center for Mine Training. The gift will also fund scholarships, job shadows, a mining academy and tools and equipment. The goal is a collaborative approach to build a local mining workforce in Southeast Alaska.May 16, 2011
10th Annual Community Day on Campus
Community Day on Campus is guaranteed to be a great time for the whole family with fun and educational presentations from the arts to safety groups.
April 25, 2011
UAS-Juneau Commencement 2011
“UAS is celebrating its largest graduating class in 40 years,” said Chancellor John Pugh. "We have significant increases in our graduating associates, bachelors, and masters degrees. I want to thank the faculty and staff as well as our community partners for their efforts to assist the students in accomplishing their educational goals."April 18, 2011
VDAY 2011
All proceeds from the three performances will benefit Juneau organization AWARE, Inc. (Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies).March 29, 2011
ACRC to host Climate Change Workshop
The workshop kicks off the annual meeting of the Alaska State Chapter of The Wildlife Society, April 5-7. The program includes more than 60 presentations and posters on wildlife research and management across Alaska from the alpine to the ocean. UAS Environmental Science faculty Sanjay Pyare and Eran Hood are two of the presenters.March 28, 2011
UAS April First Friday and Saturday Arts Events
April 1-2 to feature student art exhibition, a student theater production, and the launch of the literary and arts journal Tidal Echoes.
March 17, 2011
UAS Secures Funds to Purchase Mine Simulator
UAS will purchase a state-of-the-art mine training simulator with three modules for training on different pieces of mining equipment. The simulator and modules will provide a dramatic increase in training capacity to prepare individuals for entry level hard rock mining jobs in Alaska. The simulator will be housed at the UAS Center for Mine Training, located at Juneau’s UAS Technical Education Center.March 17, 2011
Coeur Alaska Sustains Scholarship Fund
The donation will help sustain up to $2,000 in scholarships annually to UAS Environmental Science and Marine Biology students.
February 22, 2011
Chancellor Fran Ulmer to speak on report of the National Commission on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill at UAS
Chancellor Ulmer will discuss the report issued by the Commission earlier this year, and provide an opportunity for questions. Ulmer is chancellor of Alaska’s largest public university, the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). She was appointed by President Barack Obama in June 2010 to the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling. The commission was charged with investigating the causes of the explosion and oil spill, and recommending changes to prevent future disasters from occurring.
February 21, 2011
Word and Voices: UAS poets to bring community together
This is event is sponsored by the UAS Media Club. President Katie Laster said, "We have the feeling (this event) won't be a onetime occurrence for us. We have attended many awesome poetry events local and afar as a group and separately, and we believe there is a great hunger for poetry in this community; for confession in stanzas and freedom found in ink! We plan on hosting and planning even more community and poetry kinds of events."February 4, 2011
Icicle Seafoods $42,500 Gift to UAS
This gift will fund scholarships as well as a teaching-grade microscope.February 1, 2011
UAS and KTOO Sign Cooperative Learning Agreement
Under the terms of the agreement, KTOO will provide hands on learning opportunities and guidance to UAS students as they work on radio programs and television documentaries. KTOO internships for UAS credit are also available.
January 27, 2011
Earn Your Master's Degree in Just One Year
Come learn about earning a Master’s in Teaching for Elementary or Secondary grades, and qualify for an Alaska teacher certificate in just one year by completing the University of Alaska Southeast MAT program. Coordinators of both the Elementary and Secondary programs will be on hand, so bring all your questions.January 20, 2011
Anderson Science Building Remodel Complete
Public Meeting for Associated Highway Improvements Thursday, Jan. 27, 7- 9 p.m. UAS Recreation Center, Rm. 115