Sanjay Pyare, Ph.D.
Sanjay Pyare, Ph.D.
Professor of Environmental Science
Arts and Sciences — Natural Sciences
- Ph.D. Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology 1999, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
- Doctoral Dissertation: Interrelationships among northern flying squirrels, ectomycorrhizal fungi, and conifers in old-growth forest habitat of the Sierra Nevada
- B.A. Biology (Studio Art Minor), Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY
- Senior Thesis: Habitat Use by Eastern Chipmunks
Research Interests
- GIS-supported landscape assessments
- Ground-truthing GIS and remotely sensed resources
- Landscape connectivity, habitat modeling, animal dispersal/movement
- Aquatic-terrestrial-marine interactions
- Hands-on/experiential education
- Supporting information needs of resource managers
Sanjay Pyare, Ph.D.
Professor of Environmental Science
Arts and Sciences — Natural Sciences
- Email address: [email protected]
- Phone number: 907-796-6007
- Fax number: 907-796-6406
- Building location: Whitehead Bldg 223, Juneau Campus
- Word file CV