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Appointments and Drop-In

How to Schedule an Appointment

Registered students at UAS can use the scheduling link, call the Student Resource Center at 907-796-6000 or toll free 877-465-4827 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment. A counselor will work to identify and understand your concerns, explore resources to help, and create a treatment plan for services. Sessions are typically 50-minutes in length and students can meet with a UAS counselor up to 6 times per semester through in-person and telehealth sessions (phone or Zoom). TimelyCare is also available to students and provides scheduled counseling sessions through telehealth. See the Virtual Care page for more information on TimelyCare. 

For students residing outside of the state of Alaska, they can access urgent counseling (TalkNow) or 9 scheduled counseling sessions per year (August 1 to July 31) through TimelyCare. UAS counselors are only able to provide referral services to students outside of Alaska. Students residing outside of the state of Alaska are able to participate in workshops listed on the groups page.

If you would like to learn more about Counseling Services, this counseling services informational disclosure form is intended to inform you about Counseling Services and about your rights and responsibilities as a student. Students can also attend groups and wellness workshops.

Crisis Support

Mental health crisis intervention is available for students Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Mental health crisis care after hours and on weekendsis available by calling 911, your local hospital or clinic, TimelyCare, and/or The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or 1-877-266-4357. More resources are listed on our Crisis page

Students living in UAS Housing can contact the following numbers for assistance:

  • John Pugh Hall residents can call 907-209-6534
  • Upper Housing residents can call 907-209-6539

Drop-in Counseling

TimelyCare is available for drop-in counseling services, which can be provided through phone or video 24 hours per day.

Faculty and Staff

If you are a faculty or staff member (including student staff) in need of counseling support, counseling referral services are provided through the ComPsych Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 1-888-969-0155. Please visit the Employee Assistance Program page on the UA website for additional information.

The Counseling Office is available for consultation with students, faculty, and staff who are concerned about a student. You may contact the Counseling Office through the Student Resource Center by phone (907) 796-6000 or email [email protected] to discuss your concerns and get support with how best to respond. This may include providing you ways to refer the student for professional care. An anonymous report can also be made to the Care Team, which is a team of UAS student services professionals focused on supporting student success and campus safety.

TimelyCare is also available to Staff and Faculty to contact for questions by calling 833-4-TIMELY. This service is available 24/7, 365 days a year.