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Tutoring Services

You will get out of your tutoring experience what you put into it, and there are things you can do in advance to help both you and your tutor make the experience smoother and have better results.

Prepare in Advance

Plan Ahead: Make an appointment in advance of an assignment due date. Do not wait until the last minute.

Clarify Expectations: If you have questions about the assignment or the instructor’s comments, ask your instructor to clarify before you work with a tutor.

Be Specific: What do you want to work on? “Everything” is not a valid response to this question. We cannot work on every aspect of an assignment in one sitting.

Arrive Prepared: We are not a substitute for attending class. Attempt the homework on your own before seeking tutorial assistance.

Make Homework a Habit: Many subjects take practice, repetition, and patience. Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

English and Writing Tutoring

Clare Bennett

Email: [email protected]

Additionally, the UAS Writing Center out of Juneau is currently able to provide some remote tutoring.

Technology Tutoring