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Marketing and Branding

Consistency is Essential

Consistent branding across UAS and its Schools creates an overall image of mission clarity, coordination, and communication. Defining our university through consistent branding will raise our profile locally, regionally, statewide and nationally. Our goal is to unite the three campuses in Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka in one visual message. Together, we can build community and alumni pride and attract, enroll and graduate more students!

UAS Official Logos

Diverse organizations, like universities, maintain a family of related logos, united by a common color palette.

Whale Tail Logo: The main logo of UAS used for academic, administration, and marketing. The logo is comprised of two parts: the whale tail and the wordmark. Available in many variations designed to accommodate all campus, school and department names in both horizontal and vertical formats.

School Spirit Logo: A design refresh has given the previous UAS logo a more athletic style, in keeping with its use for school spirit and merchandise.

University Seal: Limited to official documents, the Chancellor, and selected merchandise.

Partnership Logos: Joint entities with other organizations may qualify for an exception to the branding policy. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Logos and Advertising Resources

Materials representing the UAS institution, its campuses, and schools must coordinate with current brand design set by the Creative Director, UAS Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.

Logos are available in both raster (.PNG format, supports transparency) and vector (.PDF) formats

Bitmap format: right click on the image and select "Save image as..."

Vector format:click on the image itself to open up the .PDF in another tab

UAS vertical logo with whale tail and full color
UAS vertical logo with whale tail in black and white
Vertical color logo with tail, reversed
Vertical black and white logo with tail, reversed
Horizontal color logo with tail
Horizontal black and white logo with tail
Horizontal color logo with tail, reversed
Horizontal black and white logo with tail, reversed

University of Alaska Southeast Zoom backgrounds cannot be used or distributed, in part or in whole, for marketing or commercial use.

UAS Logo Zoom Background

View UAS background in browser

UAS Tidal Echoes Zoom Background

View Tidal Echoes background in browser

UAS Watercolor of Southeast Alaska trees Zoom background

View UAS Watercolor background in browser

UAS Social Media Guide and Policies

UAS Social Media Accounts Policy & Approval Process

University of Alaska Southeast has official social media accounts on Facebook, InstagramYouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

The creation of new UAS social media sub-accounts on any platform must be approved by the Creative Agency. All existing UAS sub-accounts need to be registered. The intent of this type of policy is to protect the UAS brand, support students, faculty and staff who manage or contribute to UAS sub-accounts, document account information (login info and administrators), and ensure appropriate policies and best practices are in place to protect UAS and sub-account administrators.

This policy and process applies to sub-accounts created by UAS employees for official university organizations, academic departments and programs, etc. It does not apply to private/individual social media accounts. Students representing UAS on UAS sub-accounts are expected to follow these guidelines, under guidance of UAS faculty or staff.

Please contact Katy Jordan, Social Media and Marketing Strategy Coordinator, to discuss account creation and the approval process.

Social Media Consultation and Equipment Loans

  • Consult with Katy Jordan for social media content creation guidance and resources.
  • CA offers a kit for use with a cell phone, consisting of a tripod, light ring, and suggested editing software.
  • UAS Social Media Manual for policies and best practices.

UAS reserves the right to delete comments and posts on all the UAS and UAS affiliated accounts that are deemed inappropriate by the page administrators, including but not limited to posts that are discriminatory or harassing in nature, use profane or abusive language, off-topic messages, political endorsements or banter, spam, or posts intended solely as advertising/marketing, to UAS students, faculty, staff or the community at large. Followers posting inappropriate content may be banned from the account(s). Comments expressed on the University of Alaska Southeast social media accounts do not reflect the opinions or position of the University of Alaska Southeast or its employees.

Suggested elements

Title, Department
University of Alaska Southeast
Office Location | 11066 Auke Lake Way | Juneau, AK 99801
P: 907-PHONE | F: 907-FAX-NUMB | [email protected]

Adding the UAS Logo to your signature

  1. Visit the signature page (If you are Safe Zone Trained, visit the Safe Zone Signature page)
  2. From your browser's edit menu, click on "Select all" (exact wording may vary between browsers)
  3. From your browser's edit menu, click on "Copy"
  4. From the "gear icon menu" within your Google Mail, select "Settings"
  5. Scroll down to the "Signature" setting
  6. Put your cursor in the desired location to insert the UAS logo
  7. From your browser's edit menu, click on "Paste"
  8. Click on "Save Changes" towards the bottom of the page

Pre-printed letterhead and business card orders are coordinated with the Creative Agency. To order, contact your department administrative assistant.

Download digital letterhead templates:

Merchandise and promotional items often have specific color and size specifications. Maximize the impact of your investment; contact [email protected] for these special projects.

Federal law requires one of the following statements to appear on all UAS print, multimedia, and web publications designed for external distribution:

The University of Alaska is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer and Educational Institution. The University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination ( against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.

An optional sentence may be added:

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternate formats upon request.

The accreditation statement can also be included with the AA/EO statement:

The University of Alaska Southeast is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

The UAS Writing Style Guide is set up alphabetically and contains listings that will allow you to standardize everything you write for the University of Alaska Southeast. Reference materials include The Associated Press Stylebook, Webster’s New Dictionary and McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms. Use our web form to provide suggestions to this guide or the Website Content Guide.

Radio and TV/Internet ads must include “University of Alaska Southeast” in the script/copy. For all campuses, proper use is:

  • “University of Alaska Southeast, Ketchikan Campus”
  • “UA Southeast, Ketchikan Campus” (audio only)

Do not use these examples: “UA Juneau” or “University of Alaska Sitka” Do not use a comma, dash, or hyphen between Alaska and Southeast, e.g., “University of Alaska – Southeast”.

Audio Variation

“UA Southeast” may be used instead of “University of Alaska Southeast” to avoid confusion with “UAF”, which has a similar sound.

Social Media Handle/Account Name

“UASoutheast” is the preferred handle/account name for social media.

Website Address

You are encouraged to use the UAS website addresses or on printed materials, websites and presentations.

Campus-specific URLs are,, and

Color Palette

The UAS palette: warm, saturated, nature-based colors inspired by the ocean, ferns, spruce and hemlock, salmon berries, soft gray skies — all the colors of Southeast.

Color usageCMYK ValueHEX ValueRGB ValueSample swatch
Primary Logo Bluec100m45y0k20#005C9Er0g92b158
Secondary Logo Bluec80m30y0k0#0091D0r0g145b208
Accent Color Ac50m0y100k0#8DCA46r141g202b70
Accent Color Bc20m0y100k0#D0E534r208g229b52
Juneau Campusc50m0y100k20#74A73Ar116g167b58
Ketchikan Campusc50m95y20k5#7A3476r132g42b118
Sitka Campusc100m0y50k0#00A79Br0g167b155

Meet the Creative Agency Team

Alison Krein

Alison Krein

Creative Director

View profile and contact info

Katy Jordan (she/her)

Katy Jordan

Social Media and Marketing Strategy Coordinator

View profile and contact info

Jennifer V. Gross, B.S. (she/her)

Jennifer V. Gross, B.S.

Web Coordinator

View profile and contact info