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Annual Juneau Native Graduation Celebration, May 2

More than 38 Alaska Natives are graduating from UAS’ three regional campuses in Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka. Nearly 14 percent of UAS students are Alaska Native. Over the past five years, an average of 10 percent of UAS graduates have been Alaska Native. Graduates represent Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, and Master programs.

Juneau, Alaska

Date of Press Release: April 25, 2009

The UAS Native Student Organization Wooch.een invites you to join us for our Annual Juneau Native Graduation Celebration! More than 38 Alaska Natives are graduating from UAS’ three regional campuses in Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka. Nearly 14 percent of UAS students are Alaska Native. Over the past five years, an average of 10 percent of UAS graduates have been Alaska Native. Graduates represent Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, and Master programs.

  • What:  Wooch.een's Annual Native Graduation Celebration
  • Where:  Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center
  • When:  Saturday, May 2
  • Time:  1-4pm
  • Food: Filipino cuisine

MC:  Wooch.een Co-Chair Cory Grant
**UAS Welcome to families, friends, and Guests of Honor by Director of Admissions Joe Nelson 
**Special letter from the Chancellor*** 
*Guest Speaker:  Barbara Cadiente-Nelson
PITAAS Special gifts:  Jacque Tagaban 
Wooch.een Special gifts: Kolene James 

Entertainment:  Woosh.ji.een Dancers, Juneau traditional/contemporary dance group. Reception to follow for families and friends of the Guests of Honor.

Everyone is welcome!  This event is free! Sponsored by PITAAS (Preparing Indigenous Teachers and Administrators for Alaska Schools), Wooch.een, and Native and Rural Student Center.

Press Release Contact

Kolene James
Native and Rural Student Center
(907) 796-6454
[email protected]