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Evening at Egan: Where Cold is Hot -- a Murrelet seabird's View of Glacier Bay

What is it about glaciers, past and present, that makes Glacier Bay such a magnet? And will the rapid retreat of the glaciers be good, bad, or mixed for these birds?

Juneau, Alaska

Date of Press Release: November 2, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009, 7 p.m. Egan Library, University of Alaska Southeast

Join Matt Kirchhoff, the Director of Bird Conservation at Audubon, Alaska, as he describes the unusual life history of Southeast Alaska’s signature seabirds -- the Marbled Murrelet and the Kittlitz’s Murrelet. Glacier Bay is a vital stronghold, supporting more birds of each species than any similar sized area in the world. What is it about glaciers, past and present, that makes Glacier Bay such a magnet? And will the rapid retreat of the glaciers be good, bad, or mixed for these birds? Join us for a peek into the Murrelet’s day-to-day life, both above and below the water’s surface, as Matt describes how they meet the challenges of a changing world.

Matt Kirchhoff works in Anchorage as the Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon, Alaska. He has studied Murrelets in Southeast Alaska for 5 years, the last 3 of those in Glacier Bay. Matt has worked as a Wildlife Research Biologist for the state and federal government in Southeast Alaska for many years, and is a past recipient of the Olaus Murie award for life-time professional achievement in conservation. He has mentored undergraduate students in the University’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, has taught Marine Ornithology at UAS, and enjoys involving student and citizen volunteers in his research projects.

For locations and complete list and descriptions of the Evening at Egan series, please visit the Evening at Egan Website.

Press Release Contact

Katie Bausler
Director of Public Relations and Marketing
(907) 796-6530
[email protected]