UAS Commencement May 7-9, 2010
The public is invited to join the celebration at commencement ceremonies in Juneau, Sitka and Ketchikan
Juneau, AK
Date of Press Release: May 3, 2010

The public is invited to join the celebration at commencement ceremonies in Juneau, Sitka and Ketchikan. The University of Alaska Southeast is honoring graduates from Summer and Fall 2009 and Spring 2010.
The Juneau ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, May 9 at 2 p.m. at the Charles Gamble Jr. - Donald Sperl Joint Use Facility, 12300 Mendenhall Loop Road (UAS Rec Center). Parking and shuttle service will be available from the Auke Lake Campus. The event is also simulcasted.
UAS' three campuses in Juneau, Sitka and Ketchikan are conferring more than 300 degrees. UAS serves an average of 6400 students a year, 70% Juneau, 24% Sitka and 17% Ketchikan.
More than 62 (38 received degrees in 2009) Alaska Natives are graduating from UAS’ three regional campuses. Nearly 14 percent of UAS students are Alaska Native. Over the past five years, an average of 10 percent of UAS graduates have been Alaska Native.
An Annual Native Graduation Celebration will take place Saturday May 8, 7 p.m. at the Auke Recreation BIG Shed. The program includes Wooch.een club student MC's honoring the graduating students with special gifts and storytelling.
Mark Hamilton is the speaker for the Juneau ceremony. Since Hamilton became the 12th president of the University of Alaska system in 1998, support from elected officials and business leaders has increased markedly, with favorable budget support from the governor and Alaska Legislature, a major increase in the number of donors to the university, and a coordinated and successful research program relevant to Alaska’s most pressing challenges, including global climate change, energy in the Arctic, and biomedical health sciences. Hamilton and his wife of 43 years, Patty, have four grown children and ten grandchildren. Hamilton retires this summer after 12 years at the helm of UA.
An Honorary Doctorate of Laws degree will be conferred on Tom Cashen. Cashen is a fourth generation Southeast Alaskan, mentor and exemplary role model to workers and labor leaders across the state of Alaska with a distinguished career as a journeyman electrician, union representative, and state labor commissioner. As commissioner, Tom presided over the Jobs and Training Cabinet and fostered the greater integration and coordination of workforce development agencies, including the University of Alaska, through the establishment of “one-stop” job centers and the re-organization of the state workforce development council.
Jamie Parsons will accept a Meritorious Service Award. Parsons has been called Juneau’s greatest cheerleader. His resume’ includes titles as former Juneau Mayor (1991-94), Assemblyman, owner of the Juneau Raquet Club, President of the Glacier Valley Rotary Club, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce and chairman of The Alaska Committee. According to a legislative resolution honoring him, Parsons, “has always transcended partisan politics and is an exceptional example to the citizens of Alaska, proving that one person can really make a difference.”
The Student Speaker is Alicia Hughes-Skandijs. She is graduating with a BS in Mathematics and excelled in a number of theatre and art courses. She has been employed by the School of Arts and Sciences for the last couple of years as a student worker and was a Student Leader for Orientation this school year. The University of Alaska Southeast provides a wide variety of educational courses and programs that are available locally and via distance delivery.
Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 2:00 P.M.
Charles Gamble Jr. - Donald Sperl Joint Use Facility
12300 Mendenhall Loop Road (UAS Rec Center)
Speaker: Mark Hamilton, President, University of Alaska
Honorary Doctorate of Law: Tom Cashen
Meritorious Service Award: Jamie Parsons
Student Speaker: Alicia Hughes-Skandijs
Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 3:00 P.M.
Ted Ferry Civic Center, Venitia Way
Speaker: Sara Lawson, Non-profit Management Professional
Friday, May 7, 2010 at 7:00 P.M.
Sheet’ka Kwaán Naa Kahídi Community House,
200 Katlian Street, Sitka,
Alaska Speaker: Roald Helgesen, President/CEO of the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
Student Speaker: Carla Mahoskey