Nov 5 UAS Evening at Egan Presents: Holocaust Portraits, Victims, Perpetrators, Witnesses with artist Marty Kalb
Kalb's presentation includes images of individuals caught up in the horrors of the Holocaust. It is based on Kalb’s artwork and/or documentary materials he has digitally recreated.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: November 1, 2010

Artist Marty Kalb is the presenter in the second to last of the UAS Evening at Egan Friday night lecture series November 5, 2010. Kalb will also visit four UAS classes on Nov. 3 and 4. "Holocaust Portraits, Victims, Perpetrators, Witnesses" is a presentation of images of individuals caught up in the horrors of the Holocaust.
"The paintings, drawings and mixed media works I created for the Holocaust Series are a response to documentary images in the public domain or photographs I have made of sites in Europe. It is my intent to shift the viewer's attention to specific areas of interest within the work to heighten its emotional intensity." –Marty Kalb
Artist Marty Kalb is the presenter in the second to last of the UAS Evening at Egan Friday night lecture series November 5, 2010. Kalb will also visit four UAS classes on Nov. 3 and 4. "Holocaust Portraits, Victims, Perpetrators, Witnesses" is a presentation of images of individuals caught up in the horrors of the Holocaust. It is based on Kalb’s artwork and/or documentary materials he has digitally recreated. "The presentation shows ordinary people whose lives were permanently altered or cruelly destroyed," said Kalb. "The creation of ‘Holocaust Portraits’ was prompted by my belief that human beings made choices that resulted in the Holocaust's victims. Others stood by and allowed it to happen, but in the final analysis all were its victims."
In an artist statement on his website, Kalb writes, "The Holocaust occurred more than fifty years ago. Since then we have had "Police Actions", colonial wars, and numerous civil wars. Today we remain confronted with the political realities of ethnic cleansing, intimidation, mass killings and terrorism in our daily lives. If we are ever to have a more humane society people must finally and fully accept the truth that prejudice and militarism result in gore not glory. Each of us can in some way make a contribution to that effort. As an artist and teacher I use my work to play a small part in that quest."
Kalb, Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts Ohio Wesleyan University began his professional academic career at the University of Kentucky in 1966. In 1967 he joined the Fine Arts Department at Ohio Wesleyan University, where he was Frank L & Eva Packard Professor of Fine Arts. He retired in 2007. While teaching at Ohio Wesleyan University Kalb was the recipient of the Daniel E Anderson Campus and Community Conscience Award in 2004; The Bishop Herbert Welsh Meritorious Teaching Award in 2007; and was honored by the establishment of a student art purchase award and student art collection in his name in 2007.
Kalb's paintings and drawings are included in over a dozen major museums throughout the United States. Notable are the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Cleveland Museum, the Columbus Museum of Art, the Detroit Inst. of Art, the Klutznick National Jewish Museum, Washington D.C., the Library of Congress, Wash. D.C., the Museum of Tolerance, LA Cal., Yale University, the Florida Holocaust Museum and the Spertus Museum in Chicago, Illinois.
Marty J. Kalb was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1941. His college degrees are from Michigan State University, BA ‘63, Yale University BFA ‘64, and the University of California at Berkeley MA ‘66.
To view more of Marty Kalb’s art work and read artist statements from various exhibits, please visit his Website at