Dr. Priscilla Schulte appointed Interim Director, UAS Ketchikan Campus
A search for a fulltime Ketchikan Campus Director will be underway soon, coordinated by Provost Caulfield in conjunction with faculty, staff, and campus council members in Ketchikan.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: July 27, 2012
Dr. Priscilla Schulte, longtime Professor of Anthropology/Sociology at the UAS-Ketchikan campus has been appointed Interim Director of the Ketchikan Campus. Chancellor John Pugh made the appointment upon recommendation of Provost Rick Caulfield and with support from the UAS Ketchikan Campus community.
Dr. Schulte first joined the faculty of Ketchikan Community College in 1980 as Instructor of Anthropology/Sociology and continued her teaching assignment after the transition to the University of Alaska Southeast. In addition to teaching, Priscilla has served as Assistant Director of Instruction as well as Interim Campus Director in 1999-2000 and as part of the management team in 2010-2011. She takes over this assignment from Dr. Tony Mansueto who left the position in June. A search for a fulltime Ketchikan Campus Director will be underway soon, coordinated by Provost Caulfield in conjunction with faculty, staff, and campus council members in Ketchikan.