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$50,000 Memorial Estate Gift to endow the UAS Dr. Alfred E. Widmark Alaska Native and Rural Center Support Fund

"It is clear that one of the most important factors driving student success is the student’s ability to find or create a home away from home on campus..."

Juneau, Alaska

Date of Press Release: August 31, 2012

The University of Alaska Southeast is honored to receive a $50,000 memorial gift from the Emma G. Widmark Estate given in her father’s name, Dr. Alfred E. Widmark, who was a strong supporter of the University and its efforts to support the advancement of Alaska Native People through education.

Alfred E. Widmark was born in Haines in 1904 and was one of the first Tlingits to serve as a member of the Alaska State Legislature (1961-62).  Throughout his lifetime in addition to several State offices he served several terms as the Mayor of Klawock, was a past Grand President of the Alaska Native Brotherhood, and was a member of the executive committee for both the Grand Camp of the ANB and the Tlingit-Haida Central Council.  He was ANB representative and vice president to the National Congress of American Indians and served on the Sealaska Corporation board of directors.  Mr. Widmark received an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from the University of Alaska Southeast in 1979.

As requested, the gift will be used for the purpose of increasing access to education and/or improving educational opportunities for Alaska Native students by permanently endowing the Alaska Native and Rural Center (NRSC) Support fund.  The NRSC offers programming and support services to promote student success in college through academic advising and support, assistance with registration / course selection as well as peer advising and mentoring.

"It is clear that one of the most important factors driving student success is the student’s ability to find or create a home away from home on campus. The Native and Rural Student Center at UAS is that home away from home for many students every year. This gift will make a powerful and lasting impact," said Joe Nelson, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management.

Joe Nelson visiting with student's in the NRSC

Vice Chancellor Joe Nelson (left) meeting with students in the Native and Rural Student Center (NRSC).

Press Release Contact

Lynne Johnson, CFRE
University of Alaska Southeast, Development & Alumni Relations
(907) 796-6416
[email protected]