One Campus One Book and Final Evening at Egan Presentations
Mr. Tetlichi is widely respected as an esteemed teacher, community healer, and tradition bearer, and is featured in the 2012 UAS One Campus One Book selection, "Being Caribou" by Karsten Heuer.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: November 12, 2012

Yukon College faculty member Randall Tetlichi of the Gwitch'in First Nation is on the UAS campus this week as an Elder in Residence November 5-9. Mr. Tetlichi is visiting several classes, including UAS freshman seminar and upper division Philosophy studies, the Wooch.een club at the Native Rural Student Center, PITAAS (Preparing Indigenous Teachers and Administrators for Alaska Schools) students, and is the featured speaker at this week’s Evening at Egan, Friday November 9, 7 p.m., at the Egan Library.
Mr. Tetlichi is widely respected as an esteemed teacher, community healer, and tradition bearer, and is featured in the 2012 UAS One Campus One Book selection, Being Caribou by Karsten Heuer.
Mr. Tetlichi is from a family of 16 children, and was raised in the village of Old Crow with the Vuntut Gwitchin tribe. Growing up and as a young man, he lived a traditional life. He was taught by his own elders with stories, and it's his expertise to teach in the same way. The knowledge that he's come to Juneau to share comes from many generations before him.
UAS hosts wildlife biologist and author Karsten Heuer and filmmaker Leanne Allison Thursday and Friday November 15 and 16. Heuer is the author of Being Caribou, this year's UAS One Campus One Book selection, and Allison is the producer/director of a film by the same name. Leanne Allison will be on hand for a screening of her film, also called Being Caribou, at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, at the Egan Lecture Hall. They will be visiting UAS classes and will join other activities on campus next week. Heurer will be signing books in the Mourant Cafeteria 11 a.m.-12 noon on Friday, November 16 during an International Education week event.
Heuer is the featured speaker at the final Evening at Egan of the 2012 Season on Friday November 16, 7 p.m., at the Egan Library.
Heuer and Allison have received many honors for their film and books, including Best Environmental film at the Japan International Wildlife Film Festival and at the Telluride Mountain Film Festival, as well as Grand Prize at the Banff International Mountain Book Festival and U.S. National Outdoor Book of the Year. The children's version of Being Caribou has won awards as well.