New UAS Marine Fisheries Faculty Mike Navarro Participates in Submarine Research Cruise
Dr. Navarro joins UAS this fall. In addition to teaching, he will work on an expanded partnership with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, moving toward a joint Bachelor of Science degree in Fisheries.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: August 2, 2016

New UAS Assistant Professor of Marine Fisheries Dr. Mike Navarro is currently participating in the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) oceanographic training cruise for early-career marine scientists. Dr. Navarro joins the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) this fall. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and has most recently served as a post-doctoral researcher with California State University in Monterey Bay. His duties at UAS will include working on an expanded partnership with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, moving toward a joint Bachelor of Science degree in Fisheries.
Dr. Navarro is currently aboard the RV Atlantis, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, through August 7. According to project spokesman Karl Bates, “this cruise is intended to help these young researchers become leaders at sea and on land, and as part of the training they will be learning about communicating with the general public and sharing the excitement of the scientific process as it happens.” Marine scientists will be interacting with “Alvin,” a human-occupied submarine, as well as an autonomous robot submarine called “Sentry.” The group is planning live video shows to Facebook Live on several evenings. Scientists will host these broadcasts which will feature videos and photos from onboard the sub, and giving updates on what is found. The researchers are also using social media to post updates on both Twitter and Instagram, using the hashtag #SeaFloorSci. They can be followed on Twitter @AT36_EAGER and on Instagram @at36_eager.
UA President Jim Johnsen affirmed that this offering is in line with his consideration of undergraduate fisheries in Juneau, as outlined in Strategic Pathways. The UA Fisheries, Seafood, and Maritime Initiative (FSMI) plan recognizes Alaska’s need for management and research employees in fisheries and marine biology. Those interested in pursuing careers in these fields are encouraged to contact the UAS Admissions Office or the UAS School of Arts & Sciences for more information. Both offices can be accessed through or by calling 907-796-6100.