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UAS Chancellor's and Dean's Lists - Fall 2016 Semester

We are proud to recognize students for their scholarly achievements.

Date of Press Release: January 27, 2017

Chancellor Rick Caulfield, Dean Karen Schmitt of the School of Arts & Sciences, Dean Vickie Williams of the School of Management, Dean Deborah Lo of the School of Education, and Dean Pete Traxler of the School of Career and Technical Education at the University of Alaska Southeast are proud to recognize students for their scholarly achievements. 

Students on the Dean's or Chancellor's list are undergraduates admitted to a certificate or degree program at UAS.  Eligibility is based on a minimum of 12 credits of graded (letter grades A, B, C, D and F) course work for the semester through the UA system. Honors calculations were prevented for students with incomplete grades or non-submitted grades. 

Dean’s List:  The following students are recognized for achieving a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.99 during the Fall 2016 semester:   Brooke Rivera, Grace M Rodriguez, Kathryn L Rueter, Elizabeth A Rumfelt, David  Russell Jensen, Than K Saelee, Sapphire L Sandoval, Elliot B Scott, Amy  Settles, Steven L Shannon, Jill M Smith, Paul  Smith, Ryen T Sperl, Thomas S Spitzfaden, Avery O Stewart, Sarah R Strickler, Jesse J Stringer, Steven J Swartzbart, Amber L Sweetland, Amalia J Tamone, Jasmine R Taylor Bryant, Ilya K Turchaninov, Elise D Weber, Liesel S Weiland, Travis D Westby, Nicholas D Whicker, Michael A White, Brandon D Wilks, Andrew C Williams, Cody L Williams, Zefeng  Xian, Roxanne G Yancey.

Chancellor’s List:  The following students are recognized for achieving a grade point average of 4.0 during the Fall 2016 semester:   Rosalinda M Ainza, Brittany A Anelon, Erika N Apathy, Mary Teresa  Arthur, Casey N Bain, Kendra N Buerger, Eleanor  Burgess, Yully C Castano-Gomez, Calla M Christensen, Erin C Clark, Tierra M Colberg, Ashley S Cunningham, Aspen R Daigle, Naomi F Daigle, Lisa S Davis, Johnathan A Dewey, Mollie R Dwyer, Ukiah N Engen, Holly L Fisher, Wenshi C Fraser, Steffen L Frazier, Kelsi J Gasparek, Amy R George, Jasmine R Gilpin, Skyler M Graves, Kathleen D Hagan, Tristan Y Leal, Robert R Liendo, Josiah R Loseby, Kevin D Lusby, Mariell G Mendoza, Lucy M Mitchell, Brittany  Ooman, Hailey M Quinto, Jennifer L Reid, Rosemarie L Rivard, Margaret A Shalit, Raven  Shaw, Laura-Briana T Sievenpiper, Kyle D Stropes, Joshua C Vantrease, Leah S Wilson, Sierra V Wilson, Maritt A Youngblood, Clifford P Zawacki.

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Press Release Contact

Keni Campbell
University of Alaska Southeast
(907) 796-6509
[email protected]