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Breakout Session Presenters Announced for 4th Annual UAS Power and Privilege

The Symposium will host 24 unique breakout sessions. All sessions located in the Egan Lecture Hall will be available via YouTube streaming.

Juneau, Alaska

Date of Press Release: November 6, 2019

The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) is excited to announce breakout session presenters for the 4th Annual Power and Privilege Symposium on the Juneau Campus, Tuesday, November 12. The symposium is free and open to all, including students, faculty, staff, and community members. It is designed as an engaging and thought-provoking gathering that advances learning and disseminates knowledge about pressing societal issues in a setting supportive of free inquiry and discussion.

The Symposium will host 24 unique breakout sessions. All sessions located in the Egan Lecture Hall will be available via YouTube streaming. Participants will have the opportunity to attend breakout sessions during five time slots.

For complete descriptions of each session, visit the UAS Power & Privilege Symposium website. More information about the event and biographical information about keynote speakers is available at the UAS news release site.

Full Schedule

Complete information about each session is available on the UAS Power & Privilege Symposium website. Those sessions with an asterisk* will also be streamed on the UAS YouTube channel.

9:00 AM - Keynote

Climate of Despair and a Psychology of Hope *

Forest Wagner, UAS Assistant Professor of Outdoor Studies

10:00 AM - Breakout Sessions

Unpacking Privilege in the Zero Waste Movement *
“Roots of Anger”: Why the Yellow Vests Matter
Decolonization and the Hostile Occupation of Alaska
Outdoor Leadership as a Service
Digital Accessibility: Start Here

11:00 AM - Breakout Sessions

Gender, Sexuality & Inclusion *
Alaska’s Nuclear Legacy: A Case Study on Environmental Racism
Indigenous Youth Healing the Past, Present, and Future. “What Does Intergenerational Healing Look Like?”
Information Privilege, Power and Paywalls: The Business of Scholarship
Sustainability Walking Tour

1:00 PM - Keynote

Fighting for Alaskan Native Rights *

Heather Kendall-Miller, Former Senior Staff with the Native American Rights Fund and Champion of Native American Civil Rights

2:00 PM - Breakout Sessions

How to be a “Green Dot,” Bystander Intervention *
The Juliana Plaintiffs: Models for Youth in Politics
The Spirit of Money
Architecture of Power: Past and Present
Family Art Making: Using Art to Promote Communication

3:00 PM - Breakout Sessions

Working with Men: Healing and Accountability *
Reproductive Health Care Access in Alaska
Freedom of Speech: Reality vs. Myth
Breaking Down Ableism: a Panel Discussion
Event+Response=Outcome/Suicide Prevention

4:00 PM - Breakout Sessions

Toward Indigenous Collections Management at the Alaska State Museum *
Lived Experiences of Alaskan Transgender and Gender Non Binary Individuals
Power, Privilege and the Global War on Terror
Speaking Truth to Privilege, Our Life Stories

Press Release Contact

Juliette Alldredge
University of Alaska Southeast
(907) 796-6325
[email protected]
Keni Campbell
University of Alaska Southeast
(907) 796-6509
[email protected]