UAS Ketchikan Maritime Training Facility Included in Consortium Designated as 2021 Center of Excellence for Domestic Maritime Workforce Training and Education
The UAS Ketchikan Maritime Training Center is one of six members of the Alaska Maritime Education Consortium, working to address the maritime workforce needs across the state of Alaska.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: June 4, 2021

The US Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) recently announced the Alaska Maritime Education Consortium (AMEC) has received a Center of Excellence for Domestic Maritime Workforce Training and Education (CoE) designation in 2021. The UAS Ketchikan Maritime Training Center is one of six members of the Alaska Maritime Education Consortium, working to address the maritime workforce needs across the state of Alaska.
Lucinda Lessley, Acting Maritime Administrator for MARAD, noted in a recent press release, “The CoE designations recognize the high standard of maritime education and training provided by the designated community and technical colleges and maritime training centers. These institutions play vital roles in our nation’s maritime industry by providing the training and skills students need to begin and advance careers afloat and ashore.” In 2018 the National Defense Authorization Act created the CoE program in order to ensure a well-trained workforce, while also improving inclusion and diversity in the maritime industry.
CoE institutions can work with MARAD to enhance their facilities, support students with a history of military service, and to help with recruitment of students and faculty involved with maritime education. This may also include the acquisition of equipment or use of MARAD owned vessels.
UAS Chancellor Karen Carey remarked, “The UAS Ketchikan Maritime Training Center is a premiere environment for anyone wanting to learn to be a mariner. Providing state of the art equipment and dedicated faculty we are pleased that the University of Alaska has attained this recognition.”
UAS Ketchikan has been training mariners for over thirty years. The UAS Maritime Training Center provides maritime programs meeting regional needs throughout Southeast Alaska. Located directly on the water, it houses a comprehensive welding lab, navigation simulator, and a diesel and electronics lab.
UAS Ketchikan Campus Director Priscilla Schulte remarked, “The UAS Maritime Training Center is proud of this designation and has an outstanding faculty and facility to serve the needs of training Alaska’s maritime workforce.”
Learn more about the UAS Maritime Training Center by visiting their website or contact an advisor 907-228-4568.