6th Annual UAS Author’s Celebration Honors Faculty Published in 2020
The event, held by Zoom this year, is sponsored by Friends of the Egan Library (FOEL), UAS Alumni & Friends Network.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: August 18, 2021

On Monday, August 16 the 6th Annual Authors' Celebration was held at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS). The event, held by Zoom this year, is sponsored by Friends of the Egan Library (FOEL), UAS Alumni & Friends Network. The event recognized UAS faculty who have been published in the previous calendar year, 2020.
The featured author was Dr. Jan Straley, Professor of Marine Biology based in Sitka. Straley was recognized for her three 2020 publications as well as an extensive body of published research dating back to 1985, much of which is now available in ScholarWorks@UA, the university's open access research repository. As the Featured Speaker at the 2020 Authors' Reception, she discussed her role in establishing the Sitka Whale Lab, screened a short clip from the 2020 video "Whales in the Wild" which highlights stories from students involved in marine mammal research and Jan's colleague and director of the RASOR Program, Dr. Ellen Chenoweth provided a preview of the lab's 4D Virtual Whale Necropsy app that will be used to support hands-on student learning in a remote context.
Authors being celebrated this year for their publications in 2020 include: Jason Amundson, Esther Bower, Jason Fellman, Eran Hood, Angela Lunda, Konrad Meister, Roman Motyka, Sonia Nagorski, Michael Navarro, Heidi Pearson, Jim Powell, John Radzilowski, Paulette Schirmer, Jan Straley, Sherry Tamone, Thomas Thornton, X̱ʼunei Lance Twitchell, Emily Wall and Emily Whitney. A full list of publications for 2020.
FOEL Network’s purpose is to plan community events in support of the Egan Library mission and define potential fundraising opportunities for continued strong support of the library mission. Lifetime memberships support "Evening at Egan" fall lecture series endowment and other Egan Library community programming. An add on to UAS Alumni & Friends membership, which starts at $35, the network membership is only $15 per year. For more information on joining UAS Alumni & Friends and the Friends of the Egan Library Network call (907) 796-6569.
Chancellor Karen Carey noted, “This is always such a wonderful event when we are able to congratulate our faculty on their publication accomplishments. Faculty at UAS are amazing!”