UAS Celebrates PITAAS scholar Melissa Brooks-Johnson, Named Interim Superintendent for the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District
UAS congratulates Melissa Brooks-Johnson on her recent appointment as Superintendent and for setting a great example of the value of earning an advanced degree to increase the impact one makes on student learning.
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: September 17, 2021

Melissa Brooks-Johnson has been appointed as Interim Superintendent for the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District. She earned her Superintendent Endorsement in 2017 from the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS). She was also the recipient of a scholarship from the PITAAS program -- Preparing Indigenous Teachers and Administrators for Alaska’s Schools.
“Melissa is an excellent example highlighting the value of higher education in one’s career, as she was well-positioned to step into her new role as Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District’s Interim Superintendent quickly when the need arose late last spring, noted Dr. Mary Wegner, program director for superintendent and educational leadership, “Currently, 36% of the superintendents in Alaska are in the process of earning or have earned their Superintendent Endorsement from UAS. “
UAS congratulates Melissa Brooks-Johnson on her recent appointment as Superintendent and for setting a great example of the value of earning an advanced degree to increase the impact one makes on student learning. “Superintendent Melissa Johnson steps into a key leadership position and will no doubt inspire her teachers, support staff, and students with her sense of purpose, inspiration, and determination in support of her community. I am pleased and proud that she chose UAS and the PITAAS Program.” said Ronalda Cadiente Brown, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Alaska Native Programs, and Director of the PITAAS Program.
The UAS School of Education offers programs designed to meet the needs of those preparing to become teachers and administrators, and those who are already in the profession. We have a strong tradition for preparing educators and principals of excellence who demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the lives of students. Learn more about the Education programs available at UAS by visiting or by speaking to an advisor at (907) 796-6076.