The ‘Real’ World, from One Mathematician’s Point of View
UAS Evening at Egan Speaker Dr. Megan Buzby to present “The ‘Real’ World, from One Mathematician’s Point of View, October 29
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: October 26, 2021

The annual fall lecture series Evening at Egan continues this Friday, October 29 at 7 pm with a virtual presentation by Dr. Megan Buzby, Associate Professor of Mathematics. Buzby describes her presentation:
“What does a mathematics professor do on sabbatical? This one co-wrote an open-access textbook for mathematical modeling. Mathematical modeling is the process of describing phenomena found in the real world using mathematics. The more mathematical tools you have under your belt and the more you learn about the world around you, the more possibilities you have for describing and analyzing a changing system from this quantitative perspective. One could and should ask what may be learned from a quantitative approach, and what details are inherently lost or camouflaged. In this talk, I will give you some insight into one professor's sabbatical, provide examples of some useful mathematical models with mostly biological applications, discuss the inherent assumptions that go into developing these models, and the interesting outcomes that follow. All are welcome!”
This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic all Evening at Egan events will be offered virtually using Zoom. The full line-up of speakers and registration links is currently live on the Egan Lecture page. Once registered, a link is provided to the participant. After each event, the lectures are posted to the UAS YouTube channel. These videos can also be accessed on the Egan Lecture page, with the button for each lecture changing its label from “free registration” to “watch video.”
Upcoming speakers
- November 5 - “Health Insurance in Alaska – a look at the 2022 environment” with Jason Gootee, UAS alumnus and health industry professional
- November 12 - “Alaska Native Success Initiative” with Dr. Pearl Brower, UA Senior Advisor for Alaska Native Success, Institutional Diversity, and Student Engagement and Ronalda Cadiente Brown, UAS Associate Vice Chancellor for Alaska Native Programs, as well as the Director of the PITAAS Program (Preparing Indigenous Teachers and Administrators for Alaska's Schools)
- November 19 - “I too yei yatee - It is within you: Generational Trauma & Resiliency” with Renee Tl'aagunk Culp, Juvenile Justice Coordinator, Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Updates for the lectures series. Lectures can be watched live or recorded at