UAS Evening at Egan Speaker Renee Tl'aagunk Culp to present “I too yei yatee - It is within you: Generational Trauma & Resiliency,” November 19
"Generational trauma is a well-known concept within trauma-informed care, a lesser-known concept, generational resilience is an important topic to add to the discussion."
Juneau, Alaska
Date of Press Release: November 15, 2021

The annual fall lecture series Evening at Egan continues this Friday, November 19 at 7 p.m. with a virtual presentation by Renee Tl'aagunk Culp, Juvenile Justice Coordinator, Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. Culp describes her presentation:
“Generational trauma is a well-known concept within trauma-informed care, a lesser-known concept, generational resilience is an important topic to add to the discussion. It must be, that for me to survive, even thrive beyond these traumas, I must also hold generational resilience deep within me. We will explore building, honoring, and uplifting resilience in students, while considering how generational resilience may be experienced within youth and their families."
This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic all Evening at Egan events will be offered virtually using Zoom. The full line-up of speakers and registration links is currently live on the Evening at Egan website. Once registered, a link is provided to the participant. After each event, the lectures are posted to the UAS YouTube channel. These videos can also be accessed via the website, with the button for each lecture changing its label from “free registration” to “watch video.”
The final Evening at Egan presentation for the season will be on December 3, on the Northwest Coast Arts Partnership between the Institute of American Indian Arts, Sealaska Heritage Institute and UAS.
Updates for the lectures series can be found on the Evening at Egan website. Lectures can be watched live or recorded on the UAS YouTube channel.