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Known Issues in Blackboard

  • Blackboard Original
  • Blackboard Ultra

Last modified: February 18, 2025

A collection of known issues with Blackboard to help you troubleshoot when things don't quite behave as you expect. If we receive 2 or more reports of an issue we will add it to this page. If you'd like to report an issue email us at [email protected]

Known Issues in Blackboard Original

  • Issue: I can't update my syllabus after uploading it the first time. Workaround: You can update your syllabus by finding the Update UAS Syllabus option under the tools menu. 
  • Issue: I suddenly can't paste an image to my course site. Notes: This occurs unpredictably for specific users and there is no fix for it. WorkaroundYou'll have to embed with the  "+" sign or embed instead of pasting. 
  • Issue: I don't want to copy certain content to my new course. Notes: There is no way to do this from the copy function in Blackboard Original - you have to copy the entire course.  Workaround: You can archive your course and only check off certain items, and then import the archive to your new course. Find out more about that here
  • Issue: When accessing a Discussion Forum, user receives a "Specified object was not found" error. Workaround: Clear your browser cache and reload.  
  • Issue: Some documents do not format correctly in the grader view. Workaround: Have students submit in PDF format.  
  • Issue: When creating test questions, the browser crashes or creates an error message repeatedly. Workaround: You may be able to create your tests in a Sandbox course in Ultra, then export them and upload into Original. Contact CELT for more instructions.  

Known issues with Blackboard Ultra

  • Issue: I get an error when uploading a PDF using the upload button. Notes: This issue is specific to laptops with the Juneau build. Workaround: You can upload a PDF by dragging it from your computer to the place you want it in Blackboard. 
  • Issue: I use the McGraw Hill integration and I have columns in my gradebook that I can't delete. Workaround: You can get around this by copying your content in chunks rather than an entire course. If this already happened to you, we'll need to put in a ticket to get these deleted. Send us an email!