Web Strategy Committee
UAS Web Strategy Committee Charter
The UAS Web Strategy Committee is a consensus-based committee, accountable to the UAS Executive Cabinet, co-led by the web coordinator and web development team. The committee will be comprised of representatives from each UAS campus and key regional departments. Two members of the committee will be appointed by the Provost, two by the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, one each by the Ketchikan and Sitka Campus Directors, and one each from Faculty Senate and Staff Council.
The UAS Web Strategy Committee is responsible for:
- analyzing current web strategies and identifying opportunities for improvement
- setting UAS web operational standards and guidelines
- planning and coordinating ongoing web projects
- promoting “best-practices” to department content creators
- reviewing future directions and present recommendations to UAS leadership
- identify ongoing training needs
- recommending UAS web policies for approval by UAS leadership
In fulfilling these responsibilities, the committee strives to:
- coordinate UAS web technologies to ensure they interoperate as a coherent whole
- convey one UAS brand with a consistent design and navigation scheme
- support UAS campuses, schools, and departments in the efficient fulfillment of their objectives
- include the perspective of UAS stakeholder groups including Faculty Senate and Student Government.
The UAS executive cabinet formalized and chartered the UAS Web Strategy Committee on March 8, 2017.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Meeting agendas and minutes are available through Google Drive.
Robin Gilcrist (she/her)

Professor and Program Head of Construction Technology
View profile and contact infoKasia Polanska, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Sociology & Political Science
View profile and contact info