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Code of Conduct

Rights and Responsibilities

The university will maintain an academic environment in which the freedom to teach, conduct research, learn, and administer the university is protected. Students will enjoy maximum benefit from this environment by accepting responsibilities commensurate with their role in the academic community. The principles found herein are designed to facilitate communication, foster academic integrity, and defend freedoms of inquiry, discussion, and expression among members of the university community. BOR Policy P09.02.010 states:

  1. Students will have the right:
    1. to pursue an education free from illegal discrimination and to be judged on the basis of relevant abilities, qualifications, and performance;
    2. to fair and impartial academic evaluation and a means of recourse through orderly procedures to challenge action contrary to such standard;
    3. to free inquiry and expression;
    4. to access their own personnel and education records and to have the university maintain and protect the confidential status of such records, as required by appropriate legal authority;
    5. through student representatives, to participate in formulating and evaluating institutional policies;
    6. to organize and join associations to promote their common and lawful interests;
    7. to be able to protest on university premises in a manner which does not obstruct or disrupt teaching, research, administration, or other activities authorized by the university;
    8. to an academic environment conducive to intellectual freedom;
    9. to a fair and orderly disciplinary process; and
    10. to have access to accurate information regarding tuition, fees and charges, course availability, general requirements for establishing and maintaining acceptable academic standing, and graduation requirements.

Students are responsible for knowing, understanding and complying with the University of Alaska Student Code of Conduct, which outlines both student rights and responsibilities as members of the academic community. The student Code of Conduct is available in the student handbook and is also available in the UAS Academic Catalog.

Students are expected to balance these rights and responsibilities to promote a learning environment that is conducive to the academic success of all members of the community and strive to be a positive, contributing member of the academic community.


Violations of the Student Code of Conduct that occur on property owned or controlled by the university, or at activities authorized by the university, are subject to university judicial review and disciplinary action by the university. Student behavior which, were it to occur on property owned or controlled by the university or at activities authorized by the university, would constitute a code violation is subject to disciplinary sanction when the university determines that the behavior would likely have an adverse impact on the health or safety of members of the university community, regardless of where the behavior occurs. Students who are charged with violations of local, state or federal laws may be subject to disciplinary action by the university if the offenses are also violations of the Code. University judicial procedures and disciplinary actions are independent of and may precede, follow, or take place simultaneously with criminal proceedings. University actions will not be subject to challenge on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.

A student who has been charged with a violation of the Code and refuses to participate in the judicial process may be prohibited from re-enrolling in the university until the charges are resolved to the satisfaction of the university.