UAS Guest Accounts
Creating & Using UAS Online Guest Accounts
Guest accounts are useful for limited access to UAS content. By default, guest accounts have the same access privileges as someone not logged in. However, instructors can add individual guest accounts to Courses as observers. Both instructors and students can grant ePortfolio access to guest accounts.
Creating a Guest Account
Open the UAS Online homepage and click on "Guest Sign in".
Make sure you have the radio button for "New User" selected and type the e-mail address of the account you wish to use.
A passcode and a link back to the UAS Online start page will be sent to this account. Don't worry about the strange passcode. Instead click on the link circled below, which will take you back to the UAS Online Profile.
After you click on the link above you will be signed into UAS Online and taken to your profile page. Make sure you edit your First Name and Last Name. Below that set a password. You can also add relevant information, or upload a photo. Click OK at the bottom when you have finished.
Using your Account
Make sure when you return you use the link for Guest Accounts. If you have problems creating or using your account contact the Helpdesk at 907-796-6400 (Juneau) or 1-877-465-6400 (toll-free). You can also e-mail them at [email protected].