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UAS Home

The UASHome system is a personal filespace that each student, staff, and faculty receives with their computer accounts. All accounts start with 150 MB of space. This can be increased if there is a suitable academic need. It is separated into 2 sub-folders: Docs and Web. 


These files are available from the UAS Windows computers under the folder "UASHOME", connected as the Z: drive by default. These are files that only you can access, and require authentication to access (connecting from a campus connection, either on campus or VPN).


The web folder can be viewed online immediately and is an easy way to share files. If you store documents only, the files will be listed with an auto-index of the directory contents. If you have uploaded html files (your website, for instance), those will be available too.

  • Once items have been added to your Web folder of the UASHome space, they can be viewed online
  • Within your browser of choice, simply visit (replace username with your campus username)
  • In the case that you have a sub-folder, you can simply include that in the URL:

How to Access your UASHome from a non-UAS computer

The most efficient method of accessing UASHome from a personal machine is to access a UAS Virtual computer. Alternatively, users can map to UAS Home as a fileshare: 

File Explorer (Windows)

  1. Connect to the UAS network, either on-campus  or VPN
  2. Right-click on the Start Menu,
  3. Select File Explorer
  4. In the top menu, click Map Network drive (on Windows 11, this is found under the 3-dots menu)
  5. In the Folder field, type "\\\users$\username" (replacing username with your UA username)
  6. Click Finish
  7. If prompted, enter your credentials and click OK
    • If this is a UAS computer, it will automatically use the same username and passphrase you logged in with.
    • If this is not a UAS computer, you'll be prompted to enter your UA username & passphrase. Use to format "ua\username".
  8. Browse your files.

Finder (macOS)

  1. In Finder, click the Go menu
  2. Select Connect to Server
  3. In the Address bar, type "smb://$/username" (replacing username with your UA username)
  4. Click the Connect button
    • You'll be prompted to enter your UAS username and passphrase. Use the format "ua\username" for the UA username.
  5. Browse your files