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Graduation & Commencement

UAS 2025 Commencement Events

Commencement celebrations:

Meet with your academic advisor and review your DegreeWorks audit to determine if you are ready to graduate, prior to applying for graduation.

To apply for graduation, complete and submit an Application for Graduation and Commencement to the Registrar's Office.

Application Processing

If you are graduating with more than one degree (not a double major), you must complete a separate application for each degree.  

If you plan to change your major or degree, a Change of Major/Degree must be completed prior to applying for graduation.

You must be admitted into the degree program from which you intend to graduate.

Application fees:

  • Occupational Endorsement, Certificate, Graduate Certificate, Workforce Credentials, Associate, Bachelor, and Master degrees - No Fee
  • Late applications - $25.00 fee

Graduation Application deadlines:

  • Fall Graduation - October 1st
  • Spring Graduation - February 1st
  • Summer Graduation - July 1st

Late Graduation Application deadlines:

  • Fall Graduation - October 31st
  • Spring Graduation - March 1st
  • Summer Graduation - July 19th

We cannot guarantee recognition in the yearly commencement program for late applications

About Your Diploma

Name on Diploma

The name on your diploma will be the official name on file with the University at the time of printing. Requests to print alternate versions of first names will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Inquiries may be sent to [email protected].

If you need to change your name please submit a Change of Name form prior to submitting your application or reprint request.

Concentrations and Minors

Concentrations and minors will not be printed on the diploma. Students earning a baccalaureate or master's degree may see their concentrations printed on their official transcript. If you or your advisor do not know if your concentration qualifies to appear on your official transcript per university policy, please contact [email protected]

Reprint Diploma

Students may request a duplicate or reprint copy of their diploma for $25, by filling out the Reprint Diploma Request

Apostille and Notarized Diploma

Should any country request a transcript or diploma which requires an apostille we can certify and notarize your official UAS transcript or diploma then forward it to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Alaska for processing. The name on your transcript or diploma will be the official name on file with UAS at the time of printing. If you need to change your name please submit a Change of Name form prior to submitting your transcript request.

To request an apostille issued transcript complete the Transcript Request form and include your contact information, phone number, email, payment, name of the country that will be receiving your records (ex. "Authenticated for China"), and any fees/documents required by the Lieutenant Governor's Office. For diplomas complete the Reprint Diploma Request. If you have further questions contact us or visit the Lieutenant Governor's site. 

Graduation with Honors

Students earning associate or baccalaureate degrees who obtain a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 will graduate cum laude, 3.80 magna cum laude and 4.00 summa cum laude. In addition to the general residency requirements, students must have been in attendance at UAS for at least 24 credit hours for an associate degree and 42 credit hours for a bachelor’s degree to graduate with honors. The resident credits must be weighted. Honors are not awarded for occupational endorsement certificates, certificates or graduate degrees. All college work attempted, including that attempted at other institutions and grades earned from repeated courses, is considered in the determination of a student’s eligibility for graduation with honors. 

For transfer students to be considered for graduation with honors they must have a 3.50 cumulative GPA in all attempted UAS credits and 24 resident credits for an associate and 42 resident credits for a bachelors.

Once those requirements are met, cumulative GPA is calculated combining all college work attempted at UAS, as well as all college work attempted at any other institutions attended, including repeated credits and any credits that may not have been accepted for transfer.

Outstanding Balances

Students must satisfy all unpaid student account balances through the UAS Student Accounts Office before diplomas will be released. Please contact [email protected] once you have taken care of your balance to release your diploma.

Graduation Caps

The University of Alaska Southeast holds an annual commencement at each campus at the end of the spring semester. Degree candidates who will be within six credits or two courses of degree completion by the end of the spring semester are invited to attend that spring's commencement ceremony.

Participating in commencement does not guarantee graduation.

If you have questions please contact Heather West, (907)796-6259

Anchorage and Distance Participation

If you are planning on participating at any commencement other than UAS you need to reach out to that campus.

Announcements and Regalia (Cap and Gown)

Order all of your graduation supplies no later than April 15th.

We are proud to announce Josten's as our official supplier for your graduation needs. Click on the following links to order your announcements, cap and gown, tassels, and hood.

Diploma Frames

Sample Diploma Frame

We have partnered with Church Hill Classics to provide graduates the option to order a custom frame for their diploma. Please visit their website to begin the design process. A limited number of frames are available for local pickup on the Juneau campus.

For any questions regarding commencement supplies contact Dining Services at [email protected].