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Campus Master Plan

The 2022 Master Plan Update is completed. This document will guide UAS decision makers during the next decade on capital improvement projects to our physical campuses in Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka. According to the UA Board of Regents policy, the next Campus Master Plan update will start in 2029.

2022 Campus Master Plan Receives Board of Regents Approval

The 2022 UAS Campus Master Plan was unanimously approved during the June 2022 Board of Regents meeting. Previously to the BOR approval in May, the Plan was submitted to the Facilities and Land Management Committee for review.

We gratefully acknowledge and thank all the individuals and groups that spent their time and energy, gave their ideas, opinions and input into developing this Master Plan, including members of the Master Plan Advisory Committee, student representatives, focus groups, community members, and other campus groups such as the sustainability committee and student government. We also wish to acknowledge and thank our Consultant team, DLR Group, JYW Architects and Welsh Whitely Architects. And lastly, we gratefully acknowledge and thank Chancellor Karen Carey and the Executive Cabinet for their input and guidance. Through a democratic and civil process, we achieved our overall goal of institutional and academic excellence in this Master Plan.

View the 2022 Master Plan


Every 7-10 years, each Main Academic Unit (Southeast, Anchorage, Fairbanks) of the University is required to update its Master Plan.  The Master Plan serves as a tool that guides future development of campuses including budget requests for spending on Capital Projects.  The UA Board of Regents makes these requests to the State Legislature, who will in turn, grant funding to UA.

UAS began the process through an RFP resulting in hiring the consultant team of Jensen Yorba Wall, DLR Group and Welsh Whiteley in August 2021 and formed the Master Plan Advisory Committee which consisted of different groups throughout all Southeast campuses.

MPAC Committee Charge

Committee Members

Project Contact and Feedback

If you would like additional information about the masterplan or the masterplanning process, please contact Pua Maunu at [email protected].

Policy Guidance

University of Alaska Board of Regents Policy 5.12.050 requires each university campus to update its infrastructure masterplan every 5-7 years. Due to budget challenges facing the university in 2019, UAS requested that our masterplan update be delayed. That delayed masterplan process has started up again, and will continue through this academic year, with the goal of presenting the updated masterplan to the University of Alaska Board of Regents during their June 2022 meeting.

Project Scope

The masterplan scope includes a review of all of the facilities and infrastructure associated with the University of Alaska Southeast campuses. Soliciting input from campus users and stakeholders to identify what is working, what is not working, getting ideas for how facilities and infrastructure can be managed into the future, and development of a planning document that will help guide facility and infrastructure management for at least the next ten years.

Previous Master Plan

Project Schedule

  • September–November – Analysis and Assessment
  • November–January – Big Ideas and Concepts.
  • January–March – Preliminary Plan and Implementation.
  • April-June – Documentation and Presentation

Past Project Meeting Information

Master Plan Advisory Committee09/14/2021
Facilities Planning & Construction09/15/2021
Staff Open House09/16/2021
TEC Juneau09/16/2021
Faculty Senate09/17/2021
Sitka Campus Advisory Council09/20/2021
Sitka Community Open House09/20/2021
Ketchikan Open House09/23/2021
Capitol Chat 09/30/2021
Sustainability Committee10/01/2021
Big Ideas Workshop11/22/2021
Master Plan Advisory Committee Touchstone #212/15/2021
Master Plan Preliminary Presentation01/24/2022
Master Plan Town Hall03/28/2022