UAS IT Helpdesk
The Helpdesk is a regional support center that provides technical support and training for students, faculty, and staff, through our call center and via email.
Please continue to contact the Helpdesk after hours. Callers may leave a voicemail or choose to be redirected to the Statewide Office of Information Technology. We will respond to voicemail on our next business day.
Contact Information
Mailing Address
Regional IT Helpdesk11066 Auke Lake Way
Juneau, AK 99801
Mailstop: HB5
Instructional Videos
A repository of our visual instructions for all kinds of content: Campus Resources, Coursework, Cybersecurity, and more.

Services Dashboard
A dashboard of critical systems at UAS, for current and historical context.

All of the most frequently asked questions, all in one place.

Our Helpdesk weblog and notifications for ongoing issues, outages, and maintenance. For past notifications, view our notifications archive.
Phishing Warning: Don't Click That Link! 3/7/25
The Helpdesk has received numerous notifications about an email going out to wide groups of folks (image below). Remember: official messages will always come from official senders, such as an email address. We will also NEVER ask for your username and password in an email or form. Never provide your credentials except from in normal login pages such as ELMO, UAS Online, or Blackboard.

Service Restored with SSO 2/17/2025
A fix has been implemented with the SSO issue, it is being monitored by Nanook Technology Services
Service Disruption with SSO 2/17/2025
There was emergency maintenance on Friday evening to fix a problem with SSO on UA services, this has caused intermittent slowness with all SSO logins. UA Statewide IT is aware of the issue and are investigating.

Service Restored: DUO SMS and Phone 02/13/25
We can now confirm that all Duo services have been completely restored. This includes Core Authentication Service, Admin Panel logins, Device Management Portal, Risk-based Authentication, and Telephony Authentication. Thank you for your patience while these issues were resolved.
Services Impacted: DUO SMS and Phone 02/13/25
Our Multi-factor Authentication vendor, Duo, is reporting an outage affecting the SMS (Text Messages) and Phone Call options for authentication. Other methods of authentication, including push notifications, remain operational.
If you are impacted by this outage, generate a passcode by signing into ELMO using Option 2 and selecting Security Settings, or contact your Helpdesk at 907-796-6400.
More information can be found at