Video and Audio Conferencing
Video Conferencing
Video conferencing is primarily available throughout the UA system through Zoom. Access to the service (which includes scheduling, settings, and software) is available at This provides the advantage of individual control over meetings, settings, and schedules. For more information about how to use Zoom, check out our Zoom webpage or contact the Helpdesk directly.
Video Conferencing Services still provides support for Zoom, including walking through the process of using the Zoom thick client, Zoom web client, Google Calendar plugin, or the Outlook plugin. They are no longer required to schedule meetings ahead of time, but they can assist you with the process. If you need to use a conference room, you will need to reserve the room separately. If you would like training, contact your local campus support.
For information on the equipment available, contact Instructional Services Manager Randy Nutting at 907-747-7701 or [email protected].
For information on the equipment available, or to set up a video conference, contact John Long at 907-228-4531 or [email protected].
For information on the equipment available in classrooms, contact Classroom Support at 907-796-6521 or [email protected]. For other requests, contact the Helpdesk at 907-796-6400 or [email protected].
Audio Conferencing
For Campus Employees
Every campus phone number has an affiliated conference room through Conference Now for collaboration with peers on- and off-campus. This provides a cost-effective solution to meetings and ad-hoc workgroups throughout UA. If interacting with campus users, the tool will provide a no-cost conference with the toll-bypass functionality that exists between many campuses. Please read more about Conference Now.
Please be advised, this service is not intended as a replacement for course audio conferences. Students and faculty may continue using the toll-free option for coursework.
Additional audio conferencing services are available through a UA system-wide contract with Two Rivers Conferencing. For more information, please visit the UA OIT Helpdesk Audio Conferencing Site. From there, you can request a meeting account or report problems.